All doctors, nurses and support staff at the surgery are committed to delivering high quality services that meet the requirements of our patients.
Policies setting out the Practice approach to patients’ rights can be seen on our website or by asking staff.
With these rights come responsibilities
For you as a patient this means:
- Tell us of any change of personal details, so that our records are accurate.
- Treat the staff with courtesy at all times - remember they are working under doctors' orders.
- Respond in a positive way to questions asked by the reception staff – they are trying to make sure that you get the most appropriate service.
- Attend appointments on time or give the practice adequate notice that you wish to cancel. Someone else could use your appointment!
- An appointment is for one person only - where another member of the family needs to be seen or discussed, please make another appointment.
- Normally only one problem should be discussed during an appointment. There is not generally enough time in a 10 minute appointment to deal properly with more than one problem.
- Don’t ask for a home visit unless it is medically justifiable – a doctor can see 6 patients in the surgery in the time it takes to make some of their home visits.
- Give us two working days’ notice for repeat prescriptions, to allow for accurate prescribing.
- Be prepared to wait if your own consultation is delayed for unexpected reasons.
- Tell us if you have waited more than three weeks for confirmation of a hospital referral.
- Allow sufficient time for consultants’ letters and/or results from tests to reach us. The length of time before information is received can vary and is beyond our control. We will ensure that urgent information is acted upon during the same working day upon which it is received.
- Do not ask for information about anyone other than yourself, unless the patient has signed a consent form to allow you to do so.