Princes Park Health Centre aims to be constantly improving the quality of service that we offer to our patients. We do this through a robust system of clinical governance.
Clinical Governance is a framework that applies to all NHS services. It is made up of seven key areas:
- Patient and public involvement – See 'Patient Participation Group' page
- Risk management – Identifying clinical risks for our patients, carrying out risk assessments, learning from mistakes
- Clinical Audit – Finding out about new best practice guidelines, identifying patients they apply to, changing how we do things as a result
- Human resources - Workforce planning to make sure we have the right people to do the job
- Education and training - On-going development to make sure that everyone has up to date skills and knowledge for their role
- Research and development - Reading about new approaches, contributing to research studies
- Clinical effectiveness/excellence - Strong clinical leadership to make sure we provide the best possible treatment at all times
More detail of how we achieve this can be found in our ‘Clinical Governance Policy’ available to download (DOC, 20KB)
Your Rights as a Patient
As a patient of the NHS and Princes Park Health Centre, you have a right to expect high quality advice and treatment at all times, from our doctors and nurses and also from our support staff. Your rights are set out in our ‘Patient Dignity & Equalities Policy’ and ‘Patients Charter’.
In brief, you are entitled to:
- Equality – you will never be treated less favourably than other patients because of your age, sex, disability or for any other reason.
- Confidentiality – your medical records will never be discussed other than on a “need to know” basis, either within the Practice or elsewhere.
- Dignity – you will be treated with respect at all times, and will be provided with all the necessary facilities that you need to retain your dignity when being examined by a doctor or nurse.
- Choice – all your treatments will be explained to you clearly, you will be asked for your consent before any procedure or examination, and your care plan will be agreed with you.
- Support – you will be offered a chaperone on any occasion when you need an intimate examination.
- Safety – the Practice will maintain a clean, safe environment and will actively intervene in any situation where a patient or a member of staff may be at risk.
"Our policies and procedures are in line with the base Care Quality Commission (CQC) requirements and are managed and up-dated by Quality Compliance Systems(QCS). If you wish to view any of these documents you are most welcome. Just contact our Compliance Manager at the Practice. They will then get in touch and arrange for you to look at the policies in question."